American Psychological Association (APA) membership grew by 10.2% in 2024. While all member types have been increasing in the last few years, undergraduate and graduate students remain APA's largest source of new members. The Associate and International member categories have more than doubled in size when comparing 2019 to 2024. Additionally, a new Supporter category was introduced in Spring 2024.
The leading trends in the membership characteristics include:
Total New Members Annually
New Members by Category
APA is successfully growing its membership base—particularly among students, international affiliates, and supporters—while maintaining revenue stability. A strategic balance of free-to-paid conversions, reinstatements, and renewals is fueling sustained membership expansion.
Annual Sum of Membership Fees
New Member Comparison: Free vs. Paid
Year-end membership revenue in 2024 remained stable compared to the previous two years, with consistent dues contributions from both APA and APASI members.
Annual Membership Revenue
End-of-Year Revenue Split: Single Statement, Reinstatement, and Members
End-of-Year Revenue Split: APA Dues and APASI Dues
Former member reinstatements increased by 26.7% year-over-year in 2024 compared to 2023, and there was a 24% increase in first-year free members converting to paid memberships/affiliates YoY.
End-of-Year Paid Member Count
End-of-Year Renewals Revenue
Average Renewal Rate
APA proudly represents a diverse community of over 30,000 members with a wide range of racial identities. The percentage of members identifying as female continues to grow each year, reflecting an evolving professional landscape. Additionally, international membership has seen remarkable growth, increasing by 223% from 2020 to 2024.
The top ten countries outside the U.S. with the highest APA membership are India, Pakistan, Canada, Iran, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, China, Australia, the Philippines, and Portugal.
71% of members are satisfied with APA membership (rated above 4 on a 7-point scale).
85% of APA members are likely to renew membership.
NPS (+14), satisfaction, and renewal likelihood are all higher than in 2023.
In 2024, APA divisions, psychological news and trends, the Monitor on Psychology, and APA publications ranked as the most highly rated services and products among members.